Tempus projekat CD_JEP-16160-2001 "Innovation of Computer Science Curriculum in Higher Education" je finansiran od strane EU. Tip projekta je JEP u trajanju od tri godine. Projekat je počeo 2002. a završen je 2005. godine.

Tempus projekat CD_JEP-16160-2001 "Innovation of Computer Science Curriculum in Higher Education" je finansiran od strane EU. Projekat je počeo 2002. a završen je 2005. godine.

Detaljnije o projektu možete saznati na adresi http://tempus.elfak.ni.ac.rs

Cilj projekta (iz aplikacije):

Project Objective:
To innovate undergraduate curricula in computer science, by restructuring existing and involving new high quality courses, flexible enough to adapt to new technologies and the future ones. To develop cooperation between consortium partners.

 Project Summary:

The Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, was a Coordinating institution for the project CD-JEP 16160/2001, in the very important area of curricula innovation in teaching Computer Science (CS). Within this project, partners were University of Dortmund, Technological Educational Institution of Athens, University of St. Cyril and Methodius - Skopje, and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - University of Nis. This work resulted in 3 Symposiums and 9 Workshops on the subject, establishing two modern computer classrooms at Faculty of Electronic Engineering and upgrading four existing laboratories, strong web support to teaching, development of new multimedia teaching tools, 26 teaching publications (textbooks, laboratory manuals, and a couple of monographs and related literature), International Proceedings of relevant papers for the project subject, and special issue of Facta Universitatis Journal devoted to CS education. Within this Tempus project, European institutions hosted a respectable number of professors and young associates from partner countries, which greatly contributed to the teaching skills improvement, staff retraining, and experience exchanges. The student mobility program was successfully realized and well accepted among the students. The experiences accumulated within this project, considerably contributed to the reorganization of the teaching Computer Science at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering. A reconstruction of CS Curricula, as a main project objective was achieved by innovating more than 20 existing courses and involving 5 new courses on hot computer science topics. However, the most important is that the work on reconstructing CS courses and involving new courses in existing CS curriculum initiated the work on new CS curriculum. The proposal based on BAMA structure (3+2), one-semester courses, and internal ECTS implementation is in the step by step approval procedure. The first year of CS studies has already been approved and delivered to students before the termination of the project. New CS curriculum as the main outcome deliverable of the project can be a good and encouraging example for other Departments and Faculties within the University, promoting an idea on integrated University willing to be a part of EHEA.