International Projects in Education

TEMPUS CD-JEP 16160/2001 ( Innovation of Computer Science Curriculum in Higher Education ) , 2002 - 2005, financed by European Commission , coordinator Prof . Dr. Mile Stojcev , local coordinator Prof . Dr. Ivan Milentijevic, .

TEMPUS SCM C015A05-SCG ( Pilot Implementation of ECTS ) , 2005- 2006 , financed by European Commission, coordinator Prof. Dr. Ivan Milentijevic, .

TEMPUS JEP 41148 2006 ( Continued Education for Informatics Teachers - CONTINUED ) , 2007- 200 8, financed by European Commission, coordinator Prof . Dr . Ivan Milentijevic

Research Projects

Research project – “Computing” subproject “Parallel Computer Systems”, financed by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology, 1991-1995, coordinator Prof. Dr. Mile Stojcev.

R&D project – “Special Purpose Computer Systems Development” subproject “Fault Tolerant Systems Development”, financed by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology, 199-1997, coordinator Prof. Dr. Emina Milovanovic.

Research project – “Parallel Computer Systems”, financed by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology, 1998-2001, coordinator Prof. Dr. Mile Stojcev.

R&D project– “Fault Tolerant Dedicated Computer Systems”, financed by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology, 1998-2001, coordinator Prof. Dr. Emina Milovanovic.

Research project– “Parallel Algorithms in Linear Algebra”, financed by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology, 2001-2004, coordinator Prof. Dr. Igor Milovanovic.

R&D project – “Monitoring System for Business, Industrial and Residential Buildings ”, financed by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology, 2001-2004, coordinator Prof. Dr. Emina Milovanovic.
R&D project – “Electricity Consumption Simulator for the Electric Power System with Dynamic Tariff Assignment”, financed by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology, 2005-2007, coordinator Prof. Dr. Ivan Milentijevic.